
Are you trying to make the most of a small home? Not sure what to do? Learn how remodeling can be your answer. Click here for more information.

Bathroom Revamp | 4 Clever Strategies To Add A Laundry Area To Your Bathroom

18 August 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Many homeowners like the idea of having internal laundries inside bathrooms because it means less time spent at a communal laundry facility. If you have extra space in your bathroom, then you may be able to add a laundry to it. If you're planning to integrate a laundry area through bathroom renovations, consider these clever strategies to make it work for you. Create Special Laundry Cabinetry To Place Appliances For A Neat Appearance  Read More …

Choosing The Right Kitchen Benchtop For The Home Of A Kidney Transplant Patient

11 July 2016
 Categories: , Blog

As someone with a family member who has just gone through a kidney transplant, you are on a steep learning curve about the cleaning you will need to do around your home. The anti-rejection medication they will take for the rest of their life weakens their immune system, so heavy cleaning is part of your future. The kitchen is of particular concern for germ congregation such as E. coli, and even emptying the dishwasher will now involve wearing gloves. Read More …

Renovating your empty nest - 4 ideas on how to use the new spare room

12 April 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Now that you have finally convinced your adult children to move out of home, it's a great time to do a home renovation and make a house that is a better fit for you as a couple. Here are some ideas for an empty nest renovation.  A walk in robe If your child has had a bedroom right next door to your bedroom, this can be a great chance to expand your bedroom. Read More …

Different Options to Consider When Contemplating Shower Screens

29 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If you have been using a shower curtain in your bathroom, chances are you have noticed that it does not totally prevent water from getting all over your bathroom floor. One of the easiest ways of engaging in affordable bathroom renovations is by investing in a new shower screen. With the increase of popularity in these bathroom accessories, manufacturers make them in a wide array of options. Choosing one may seem daunting for individuals who do not necessarily know what to look for. Read More …

4 Hot Kitchen Design Trends for 2016

20 January 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Want to transform a boring, bland kitchen space into the beating heart of your home? Kitchen renovations can provide you with more storage space and could even increase the value of your home. If you're stuck for style ideas, here are some of the hottest kitchen design trends for 2016. 1. Precious metals Modern trends say that silver and stainless silver are out and brass, gold and copper are in. These metals can add warmth to your interior space, especially if you opt for copper pendant lights over an island bench or brass handles for your kitchen units. Read More …

About Me
Making the Most of Small Spaces: A Remodeling Blog

Hi, my name is Amanda. Two years ago, I was feeling extremely cramped in my small home, and I knew I couldn't afford to sell it and move. Plus, I loved my neighbours. To make this small space work for my family, I hired a contractor to remodel the house. He helped us convert our small cozy space into a more open, functional space. He helped us maximise the space so we were using everything from the floor to the ceiling. While watching him work, I got a lot of remodeling ideas. I also did a lot of research leading up to our project. If you are in the same boat, I invite you to explore this space. This blog is going to have everything related to remodeling a small space to make the most of it.
